Thursday, May 15th 2014 ago, Society of Exploration Geophysicist Universitas Gadjah Mada Student Chapter  (SEG UGM SC) held a Honorary Lecture Program. It, previously known as the Regional Lecture Program, is a companion program to the long-established SEG Distinguished Lecture Program.  This Program is a 45 minutes to one hour lecture and has a topic in every region. There are Central & South America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, North America, Pasific South, South & East Asia and Worldwide : Near Surface. We belong to Asia Pasific Region. This region included Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and other countries. In Indonesia, this event also would hold in Unversity of Brawijaya (Unibraw), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), Institute Technology of Bandung (ITB), University of Indonesia (UI).

The Asia Pasific Region has a topic “Marine Seismic Acquisition : Expanding The Possibilities !” and the speaker was Mr. Sandeep Chandola, an Indian. Now, He works in Exploration Division of Petronas Carigali, Malaysia since 2005. He has more than 35 technical publications, including papers presented at SEG, EAGE, IPTC and other international conferences. He received The professional of The Year Award by ONGC, The Indian National Company in 2004. (see more


This event is guided by MC, Andri Atanova and Laila Sakinah. In Opening Ceremony, there is a traditional dance performance, a sulawesi traditional dance. This performance is shown by Sherly, Juke, Annisa and Sarah


This event was opened by Abdul Rozak as project leader, Nur Wahyu Maulaningsih as SEG UGM SC President, Alfian Romadhoni as HMGF leader and Mr. Prof. Sismanto as representavie of geophysics sub-department UGM.


Mr. Sandeep While Lecturing

Mr. Sandeep Chandola presented key enablers for expanding the possibilities in marine streamer acquisition. There were dual-sensor streamers, over-understreamers, variable depth streamers, MAZ, WAZ, FAZ circular shooting, emerging trends (multi-sensor streamers, broadband circular shooting, etc.). Every type streamer had advantage and disadvantage itself.


The attendance asking about the presentation to Mr. Sandeep Chandola

There were many attendances who asked question about the presentation. It was a rare change to ask Mr. Sandeep Chandola directly but they did it.


The committee served the attendance to take and enjoy their coffee break after Mr. Sandeep Lecturing. And there was acoustic performance by Aditya Girash, . Good  performance !


There were doorprizes for attendance who asked question. Mr. Sandeep Chandola gave it to them. Congratulations !


Momento Giving By SEG UGM SC President Nur Wahyu Maulaningsih

SEG UGM SC president, Nur Wahyu Maulaningsih, gave a momento to Mr. Sandeep. It was a appreciation from committee to him for lecturing. Thank you so much !


We have to say thank you so much to SEG that allowed us to hold this event, Shell that sponsored this event and all participant who attended this event. And thank you for IAGF, UGM, HMGF and other who had supported this event. See you in Honorary Lecture 2015 !

Abdul Rozak | GF 12

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